Hi, i'm
Michał Pietrasz!
Team Leader and PHP / JS Developer
Who I am
Hi, my name is Michał Pietrasz and I'm a PHP / React developer. Feel free to contact me and we will discuss what do you want :)
I can create site from scratch, modify your existing one. I just only need to know what do you want to achieve.
Full Name
Michał Pietrasz
07 July 1984, Białystok, Poland
Company Name (OWNER)
Hobby/Fun projects
I deeply needed site that generate JSON fixtures for my site. So I've created one. NestJS + ReactJS
The will of learn NestJS finished with simply e-commerce shopping cart. Build on NestJS + ReactJS + Docker. Three repo are shared online on my github page.
Im a big fan of Star Wars, and long time ago in constantly changing programmer world I've decided to learn ReactJS. I want it to be fun, thats why I've combined my hobby with my best saga. This project was created on Symfony 4 + ReactJS. Right now all of this code would be refactored, but yeah who doesn't refactor his code writen long time ago, in a galaxy, far ...
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics with specialization: physics and computer technics
University of Białystok (3 Years Course) - Graduation October 2006
Master thesis topic: Thermosynthesis of rigid ball systems on the example of computer simulation (I made simple rigidballs simulation in OpenGL)
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
University of Białystok (2 Years Course) - Graduation October 2008
Master thesis topic: Editor for painting and modifying 2D geometry and bezier curves (programm made in C#)
Faculty of Economic
University of Białystok (2 Years Course) - Graduation May 2009
Work Experience
BV Sp. z o.o. - Interactive Agency
IT specialist - July 2008 - September 2010
Junior web site developer
Gymnasium in Wasilkow
Webmaster - February 2008 - September 2017
Monitored and maintained Gymnasium website on a regular basis, performed updates and changes
PHP Developer - August 2009 - March 2012
Designed, enhanced, upgraded and maintained the availability and technical functionality of multiple assigned websites through several different technological processes like Zend Framework / Symfony2 / Laravel. Working on dedicated shop / CMS per client
PHP 5, OOP, MYSQL, Doctrine, Zend 1, Laravel, SOAP/RESTfull API, GIT, Twitter Bootstrap, Allegro, Integrations (Shopgate, price comparison, cachback, pay systems etc)
PHP Facebook Developer - March 2012 - June 2012
Create, update facebook api applications using CakePHP
Technologies:PHP 5, OOP, MYSQL, Facebook API, CakePHP
PHP Developer - July 2012 - October 2015
Designed, enhanced, upgraded and maintained the availability and technical functionality of multiple assigned websites through several different technological processes like Zend Framework / Symfony2 / Laravel. Working on dedicated shop / CMS per client
PHP 5, OOP, MYSQL, Doctrine, Zend 1, Laravel 4, SOAP/RESTfull API, GIT, Twitter Bootstrap, Allegro, Integrations
PHP Developer - November 2015 - Current
Launch my own company as PHP freelancer
NeuroSYS Sp. z o. o.
PHP Developer - November 2015 - April 2018
PHP, React Developer. Site development consisting of API, backbone JS and Symfony 2. Also site development in which logic was based only on procedures MYSQL Direct contact with client (by slack, skype)
MVC, OOP, PHP 7, Symfony 4, Backbone, React, Docker, API, MYSQL, Doctrine, MongoDB, GIT, Agile, Scrum, Code review, Good code practice
NeuroSYS Sp. z o. o.
Team leader - April 2018 - Current
PHP, React Developer. Site development consisting of API, backbone JS and Symfony 2. Also site development in which logic was based only on procedures MYSQL Direct contact with client (by slack, skype)
MVC, OOP, PHP 7, Symfony 4, Backbone, React, Docker, API, MYSQL, Doctrine, MongoDB, GIT, Agile, Scrum, Code review, Good code practice
PHP7.* Symfony 4.* Symfony 3 LaravelJS
ReactJS NodeJS Typescript NestJs jQueryDB, noSQL
Mysql PostgreSQL ORM Doctrine 2 Eloquent MongoDBTools/Services
Docker GIT (git flow) AWS Gitlab CIOther web skills
Agile Scrum Team management Good code practice Code review RWDTeam management skills
Leadership People management Team spiritIntegrations / e-commerce / open-source
Google Analitycs Shopgate eCommerce EPROshopLanguages
Polish EnglishInterests
I love to ride a bike, especially on a beautiful sunny day to work. Also great way to deal with bad emotions and when I'm stressed :)
I like to play on all kind of RPG series. Specially my favourite one is Witcher saga.
Movies / TV series
Im a big fan of Star Wars saga, Games of Thrones and The Walking Dead TV series.
Send me a message
15-649 Białystok,
Św. Andrzeja Boboli 87/4